The new Alpha Youth Series consists of 10 episodes run over 8 weeks exploring life’s real questions – made for youth by youth.
It features new experts, stories, street interviews and 8 Gen Z hosts.
We are going be joining a nationwide launch of the brand new Alpha Youth Series on Monday 20th January 2025, here in Penryn. Having run a Youth Alpha course here at Falmouth Vineyard earlier this year, our young people felt a real stir to host one themselves! We have attended information sessions, undertaken training and are working hard with these young people to begin the 8-part series in the New Year.
Alpha Youth is run by youth, to create a safe space for anyone exploring the Christian Faith. You might not be quite sure about what you believe - and that is okay! The sessions run for 2.5 hours where we eat together, hang out and get to know each other and then watch a short video which prompts and guides conversations around some of life’s BIG questions. And what’s even better, is it is absolutely free to come along!
If you have been invited, we encourage you to watch the video below and come along to the first session. If you decide after this that it’s not for you, there’s no obligation to come back. If you would like to sign up, please complete the form below, or email if you would like to know a little more about how the series works.
We can’t wait to meet you!
Alpha Youth
Starting Monday 20th of January 2025, 6-8:30 pm.
The Sail Loft, Islington Wharf, TR10 8AT.